About Us
Welcome to Gates Street Elementary School, home of the College-Bound Gators. Gates is nestled in the beautifully diverse Lincoln Heights community and has been a flagship institution of learning since 1890. Our mission, vision, and core values drive our student-centered, 21st Century driven instructional program focused on personalization to meet the needs of our diverse learners as they prepare to be college, career and workforce ready. We are proud to offer Spanish and Mandarin Dual Language Immersion Programs that ensure our scholars culminate biliterate. Our highly-skilled teachers deliver an instructional program infused with blended learning, arts, social-emotional wellness, culturally and linguistically relevant pedagogy and differentiation to meet the unique needs of our diverse learners. Come tour our school and experience the magic of Gates Elementary School. Welcome home!

May 24, 2024
Dear Parents/Guardians and Community Members,
My name is Roselle Gonsalez, and it is with great honor that I introduce myself as the newly appointed principal of Gates Elementary. I am excited to join this esteemed school community and look forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure that our students achieve their highest potential.
Over the course of my 27 years of service in LAUSD, I have experience as an Assistant Principal, English Learner Designee, Title 1 Coordinator, Math Coach, Targeted Student Population Coordinator, and teacher. I have obtained a wealth of knowledge to better serve our students and diverse community.
As your new principal, I am committed to collaborating with all stakeholders to build strong relationships for our students’ academic success. I believe in having open communication, collaboration, and transparency. Your feedback, input, and new ideas are always welcomed. I uphold strong leadership skills such as integrity, self-efficacy, initiative, innovation, and ethical values. My priority is to meet the needs of all students, and stand by my motto, “students first.”
My goal is to ensure that our school provides a nurturing, safe and positive learning environment for all students and staff. I believe that all students deserve access to a high-quality education and to be given the tools and opportunity to reach their dreams.
I feel privileged and I am looking forward to getting to know all of you as we continue to create a bright and promising future for our students.
Ms. Roselle Gonsalez
24 de mayo de 2024
Estimados padres/tutores y miembros de la comunidad,
Mi nombre es Roselle Gonsalez y es un gran honor presentarme como la recién nombrada directora de la Primaria Gates. Estoy emocionada de unirme a esta estimada comunidad escolar y espero tener una asociación productiva con usted para garantizar que nuestros estudiantes alcancen su máximo potencial.
A lo largo de mis 27 años de servicio en LAUSD, tengo experiencia como subdirectora, cordinadora designada para estudiantes de inglés, coordinadora de Título 1, entrenadora de matemáticas, y maestra. He obtenido una gran cantidad de conocimientos para servir mejor a nuestros estudiantes y a la comunidad diversa.
Como su nueva directora, me comprometo a colaborar con todos los indicados escolar para construir relaciones sólidas para el éxito académico de nuestros estudiantes. Creo en la comunicación abierta, la colaboración y la transparencia. Sus comentarios, aportaciones y nuevas ideas siempre son bienvenidas. Defiendo fuertes habilidades de liderazgo como integridad, autoeficacia, iniciativa, innovación y valores éticos. Mi prioridad es asegurar que las necesidades de todos los estudiantes se realicen y mantener mi dicho: "los estudiantes primero".
Mi objetivo es garantizar que nuestra escuela proporcione un ambiente de aprendizaje enriquecedor, seguro y positivo para todos los estudiantes y el personal. Creo que todos los estudiantes merecen acceso a una educación de alta calidad y que se les brindan las herramientas y la oportunidad para alcanzar sus sueños.
Me siento privilegiada de servirles y espero conocerlos a todos mientras continuamos creando un futuro brillante y prometedor para nuestros estudiantes.
Sra. Roselle Gonsález